
Monday, February 15, 2010


Bayh Decides Against Re-election Bid

Good riddance.

Evan Bayh is one of those Democrats who is a thorn in the Party's side.

He is aimless. Undoctrinaire is OK. But he has no loyalty. Cannot be counted on.

When they say that "organizing the Democrats is like herding cats", he is the original cat.

I like independence of mind and spirit but Bayh is not thoughtful and he is a somewhat spiritless character.

If anything, he is boring.

He was a governor twice. And a good one.

Some executives cannot follow.

And there you have it.

I don't know whether they will come up with another guy good enough to get elected from the marginal Indiana but I would almost rather have a Republican than some Democrat who has no predictable pattern of contribution to the effort.


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