Thursday, January 21, 2010
One of the things that rain brings is the need to "shove" the water from a low spot in our back patio into the pool. It is a big patio and a lot of water.
Booker loves this activity. I get the big brush and Booker dives into the pushed water with mouth and front feet. He gets a lot of water up his nose, sprays a lot around that should go into the pool and generally makes a fine fool of himself.
If I am in a good mood (most of the time) it is a lot of fun to watch the frolic.
If I am in a bad mood or in a hurry it is a pain in the ass. One of those fine lines in life.
Today, the water play went to an entirely new level.
The rain abated enough in the afternoon that John and Booker went for their walk. I had pulled morning duty in the heavier weather. After they were gone for awhile, John called to come to the other side of "the trail" and see what Booker was doing.
"The trail" is a piece of hiking path that goes between one street and another back towards the mountain. You step into it, down an arroyo, and the civilized world disappears. It is actually the trailhead of a climb that goes to the middle of the South Lykken Trail, one of the more popular hiking sites in Palm Springs.
So, I took the Jeep and met them on the other side where, after four days of heavy rain, there was a huge stream coming down across the trail from up above. They couldn't get across to my side but they could fool around in the water on their's.
We have noticed this waterway before, a dry creek bed. Booker has been fascinated with it and always wants to go down among the rocks.
Now it was a alive with torrents of water cascading down and there, in the middle of a waterfall, stood Booker. Triumphant! In his element. Well a new one for us.
He was remarkably nimble going up and down the rocks. In a calmer spot he dug underwater to loosen or move rocks. Several times he brought stones to John, retrieving.
He was ecstatic. Excited. On.
I am sure this is a genetic call to arms. The Airedale was bred in the Airedale Valley and trained to hunt for otters and river rats.
There he was, doing god's work.
And totally into himself and the moment. A beautiful thing to watch.
He is a beautiful animal and has so many interesting sides to him. We are enthralled by his enthusiasms.
At the same time, he is the most serene dog I have ever seen. Patient. Kind to others. Really.
A friend was here the other day and had some tears going. Hard times. Booker sat near. She patted his head. He came and put his head on her knee. The gentle giant.
Today, he was the water dog. Wading, soaked. Full of energy and excitement. What a range.
He didn't really want to come home. "Dogging it" as we say, all the way back.
But we dried him off, gave him two "natural" marrow dog biscuits and he is now napping. Dreaming of water.
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