Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It is funny. The liberal blogosphere is full of recriminations and accusations focused on other people's recriminations and accusations and the usual angst about the Democratic Party.
I hate this shit. The deal is over. Learn and move on. Which is what Obama seems to be doing.
In the meantime look at this Republican pollster's conclusions.
Mass Results Not A Referendum On Obama’s Overall Agenda
He found that it was all about health care (and Coakely's dismal defense of it—"the proposal has problems with it but we should pass it anyway") to say nothing about the desultory campaign.
And I think that the health care reform situation is the cause of a lot of real unhappiness.
First of all, there is no proposal on the table. There are three. The House, the Senate and now the version the committee of leaders is trying to cobble together.
So what is the proposal? I don't know.
As to the specifics, I can find something I do not like at all in each of the three.
It is a cluster fuck.
Maybe it is time to tear it down and start over.
Labels: Administration Obama, Democrats