Friday, January 29, 2010
This is a good thing.
Obama, House Republicans Debate Their Divisions
He called their bluff and asked to have the entire meeting open to television.
It worked out pretty well.
I like it.
He has the guts to walk into the lion's den.
This disarms the armchair critics. Nothing like this has been done before. Obama excels at this kind of thing because he is genuine. He is clear, armed with the facts and relishes the back and forth. He is a lawyer.
I like some of the GOP willingness to talk openly and face to face. So much of this backbiting shit is useless. At least have the guts to be open.
Even if he only gets a few to think. Even if he only gets some willingness to tone it down. Even if they can actually see some benefit to working with him, there has been progress.
I like it.
Labels: Administration Obama