Thursday, January 28, 2010
SLAM DUNK updated for Neilsons
Of course not everyone sees it that way.
The State of the Union message, of course.
I liked that he called "them" out. I liked the repeal of DADT.
I liked his joking with the GOP side on taxes. I liked the long list of initiatives.
I liked that he is steadfast.
He knows that they are going to keep kicking his ass but he is willing to stay in the fight.
I have faith in him and his administration.
Today, we signed up for a sustaining contribution to the campaign fund.
I will be ready to volunteer again this fall.
I have had enough of this shit. A lot of us have stood back this year while he has had to fight it out. This isn't OK with me any more.
I didn't really think that we would see change in this election cycle. Just a beginning.
I am with him for the whole deal.
So, if it was his intention to reenergize his base, it worked with me.
From Political Animal: "48 million Americans tuned in to watch President Obama's State of the Union address. That's the most-watched SOTU since 2003, and it's good news for the White House".
Labels: Administration Obama