Saturday, January 16, 2010
We had an earthquake, a 4+, this morning at 4:03.
Not much when you consider other more serious quakes in recent days.
It is about average for us. They call it light, which is about right.
It was a trembling type. A light shake then longer cycles and increasing then dying down.
Not a "slip shock" which just cracks. Bang!
Booker and I were up so he came running. Not too alarmed. He just wanted to be with me. Which is where I wanted him.

One side of the fork goes down the other side of the San Jacinto mountains, while the other, ours, comes down the Coachella Valley side.
It is good to have the release. There are many more small quakes on the other side. Not so many here. We want the fault to release its tensions frequently and mildly. No big one.
This one got John up. Usually we don't feel them when we are in bed.
We have gotten rather used to occasional tremors. I wouldn't even be writing this if we hadn't had one earlier in the week in the same spot.
And, of course, our minds are focused on earthquakes anyway.
Labels: earthquake