Sunday, January 24, 2010
I knew that Plouffe would be back on the scene. Not a moment too soon.
Obama Moves to Centralize Control Over Party Strategy
You know that the Republicans cannot do something like this. Michael Steele? Please.
Plouffe and Axelrod were the brain trust for the 2008 win. I am reading Plouffe's book.
There is the expertise at campaign craft but more than that the thing about Plouffe is his style of management.
It is classic with respect to building and executing strategy and new world with respect to team work, use of electronic media, community organizing and so on.
The thing that was missing from the Massachusetts debacle.
He is not a wonder man. But he can get a team together and motivated.
I am very impressed, also, with his humility. The book is not an ego trip. It is a careful account of what happened including the mistakes along the way.
I am at the point now where McCain wants to suspend the campaigns and go to DC to "fix" the crash of the economy. Remember that? The Obamas decline. And they go to DC for the great meeting with W. McCain. I know the delicious outcome.
Obama will force his hand and McCain will blow it.
The debate will go on as scheduled and McCain will get his butt kicked in it.
The beginning of the end.
All these people who say that Obama plays softball need to remember the campaign. Now he will have Plouffe to help get the game going.
I hope that he is able to get the widely spread Demos to play.

Labels: Administration Obama, Democrats