Saturday, December 19, 2009
Today's movie was the Kahzak Russian film
The best movies have either an original story, clear through with humor and genuine feeling or put us in a place, real or imagined, that is utterly unique and a world apart from our everyday world.
This film does both. The simple story of a world traveling sailor who comes back home to the desert to settle with his sister and brother in law is really great. It has elements of coming of age but there is far more as the customs of his family and his own aspirations clash. The dreams about his life are colored by his life in the outside world. At home, they come crashing down.
There is also the pull of the city. It is hard to give up rock and roll for a life as a shepherd.
The life of these people is not shoved down our throats. We gently join the family in their yurt and become part of their daily lives. Very nice.

The animals are wonderful. Not all disneyfied. Real and bursting with life.
There is a girl. He has never seen her but he wants her. She is the only woman within miles. The love story is a metaphor for the experiences and choices he needs to make. Tulpan is her name. There is a great ending.
I liked it a lot and would not mind seeing it again. I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.
Labels: films