Sunday, December 20, 2009
Interview with MIT kid today and another on Tuesday. One more hangs without a definite date.
This is the last week we can have them. I am about done. I do some pushups before each one now to be up and bright and optimistic. Seeing the good sides rather than the rough edges. Giving the benefit of the doubt if there is "trouble" which there almost always is.
There are a couple that I have interviewed who have not yet completed their admission process. They have two weeks for that.
I don't get to prod them even though I would like to.
It is an interesting activity.
Hard for them. Hard for me. Hard to write up and feel good about it even if when there is a top notch candidate of all time in the bunch (earlier this year). I want to be fair. Objective. Very tough to do that.
Opinions and attitudes (mine) keep creeping in.
But I try to mark that in my little essay about them. This is "me" talking. You decide, oh MIT gods. I am just a part of the process.
In a way, I can't make a mistake one way or another if I try to do my best and be honest.
It is snowing inside the Institute Great Court today.

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