Sunday, December 27, 2009
Last week I was shopping and, somehow, thought about Franklin and the fun we had watching him open his presents, the first year especially.
He opened each one carefully. Took off the wrapping and then played with the toy some before he went to the next one.
We had decided that we wouldn't do presents for Booker because, well, I don't know why, "because". We were doing the holiday low key and he could too. Couldn't he? Couldn't we?
I got to the dog aisle of the supermarket and was drawn right into it. There were a bunch of shitty toys there as usual but, today, there was an Air-Dog dumbell (a good brand), a great squeaky rubber ball and a huge bone shaped toy made of hemp (reefer!) that advertised itself as being tough and resistant to dog attacks.
All three went into the shopping cart and home in a secret bag. John wrapped them in tissue paper.
Christmas morning. The presents came out. Booker opened them one at a time. John held on to them in case B wouldn't be patient. Booker. The most patient dog in the universe.
Anyway, it was all a great success. Booker opened them up gently and played with each toy.
The Air-Dog dumbell and the ball squeak. The ball even squeaks after you drop it, a sort of bagpipe effect. A drone. It fascinates him. He squeaks it and squeaks it then lets it drop on the floor. Drooooone.
He had the threads out of the hemp bone in minutes. Indestructible. Huh!
He is still going strong on these toys as I type. He has learned how to bounce the dumb bell toy like a tennis ball and grab it on the unpredictable rebound. The squeaky ball is the favorite. Workin' the drone.
I am going to get a couple more balls as it is soft and I don't expect it to survive any rough handling. But so far, it is doing better than the hemp bone thing. I expect to be confiscating that before the New Year. It is being slowly dismantled by chewing. Not a bad toy really but hardly indestructible.
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