
Monday, November 09, 2009


The repair guy called yesterday. He couldn't find anything wrong with my iMac except that it was running a script for a backup software (Non-Mac Carbonite) which is incompatible with the new Snow Leopard, not updated. And apparently running over RAM capacity.

Well, that is enough for trouble.

I had ordered 4GB memory to replace my 1GB, so he put that in and turned the Carbonite off. Disabled it. It was probably running all day trying to "catch up" to the uncatchupable.

I am looking at my iStat Pro settings and see that with four windows open and the widget board on, I am using more than one GB of memory right now.


The poor machine was starving for memory. No wonder it froze up.

A side note. I am having trouble typing this. In only four days I adapted back to the small PowerBook typeboard and now I am back on the standard. This will pass.

Do I notice a difference with the 4GB?


The connections are lightening fast. Boom. I hope that the fumbling movies will be over but I suspected they were the servers' problems. We will see. For now I am happy to have my machine back again.

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