
Friday, November 06, 2009


I am in computer hell. The iMac has been peculiar all week and now is down and out. In the shop.

I will try to keep the blog going with the laptop. My old reliable PowerBook G4 Titanium. Never on the fritz.

We spent the day taking the iMac in and finding my registration number for the AppleCare guarantee thing. Warranty.

All is well. I found it, they put it into the system, it will cost me nothing.

But I am going to have them install more memory to 4 GB. It is 1GB now.

So it will come home a better machine.

I have backup although I am worried that I have no idea how to install it. But that is a later step when baby comes home.

Booker got a lot of riding today. First to the store and then to the Mac place. Over 90 minutes on the road.

He is the winner of the day. He had a great time.

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