Sunday, October 18, 2009
It used to be an absentee ballot. It was hard to get. You had to say that you were really, really going to be out of town. I remember some other process like a note from your mother or something.
Now, it is not an absentee ballot. It is the vote by mail ballot and they really, really want you to use it.
So much so that they have made it hard to really, really vote in a real machine.
So hard and difficult that we caved into the inevitable and today I sent in my mail-in ballot.
It wasn't hard to do. There are only two Council members and three Water Agency people to pick.
There was one question which was a no brainer. Updating the phone tax to include cell phones. Christ, how long has it taken for them to get with that program?
What was hard was finding two City Council candidates I could vote for. I only wanted one incumbent to stay. The new candidates are almost universally unqualified with no previous city government experience. No Planning Commission members, the traditional route, oddly. No people who had served on some other voluntary capacity. No former City employee even. There is almost always one of those although I would not vote for him or her.
So, I voted for only one.
Yes to the question. Get the money now!
Water Agency members get voted out. I always vote against the incumbents. I want new blood in the water.