Monday, September 21, 2009
Today's movie was
Actually this is not about the A-lister. It is about the compulsive sex guy who loves them and leaves them. One night stands. Not much love. And proud of it.
He runs into a another guy who is different, not a hit and runner, and slowly, they get into a relationship. The rest of the story is not quite predictable but is very well done.
This film was made in Boston about the time we were fixing to leave. I remember them shooting it in our neighborhood but never saw the outcome. I forgot about it.
Then recently I read that this film still has "legs" after ten years of running so I rented it.
And, low and behold, it is the film we saw being made.
If you rent this and you see the scenes in the real estate office just look to the left and you will see, well the street that made the corner near our house.
It was nice to see the old city. The film is beautifully done. Nice camera work. The acting is about Boston level which is OK but a little rough around the edges. Still a nice piece of work. I am glad that they have kept interest in the work for so long.
I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.