Saturday, September 26, 2009
Haste makes waste.
I have been a fan of Obama's restraint particularly on rancorous social issues. He has a large agenda and to do it all at once or push where pushing will get hard push back has not been his style.
Not that the economy or the wars or the deficit allow him a lot of elbow room to work the levers of power.
I have admired his ability to move slowly and with high quality results.
The recent spate of foreign policy adjustments is a good example. Lots of careful foundation building followed with temperate action.
With health care reform, he has let the winds of controversy blow and not tried to hard to deflect them. He has seen, rightly I believe, that the fires will burn themselves out and that people will come to their senses.
This is happening today as I type.
To the people who want faster results, I say, be patient.
Now I am joined by Charles M. Blow.
Update: My analogy, as you may recall, is that Obama is a chess player. Not checkers.
Labels: Administration Obama