
Saturday, August 22, 2009


Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Films was Walter Hill's

The Warriors (1979)

This is a cult classic.

It is one of my favorite movies so it was no hardship to see it again as a "best film".

Based on a Greek legend, the story unwinds in comic panel style and has a futurist twist. The gang is caught behind enemy lines and must return to its turf in Coney Island.

New York City is presented in a way that would prompt you to look behind you as you walked its streets. The subway is a main character. Really great stuff in this.

The Netflix disc is the new directors cut which is not at all radically different than the original film. Hill has tweaked up the connection to the legend, the comic book aspect by using the very same motion-capture technique I saw yesterday in Waking Life(I know. Whatta coincidence, huh? Happens all the time with these Best Film films).

There is also a brief intro by Hill himself.

This film is still popular after 30 years. It sure is with me.

It is exciting, smart, funny and does not involve a lot of special effects or a gore-fest to make it work.

I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.


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