
Saturday, August 29, 2009


How apt that Gail Collins writes about computer updating today.

The Updating Game

I am in the middle of this right now.

While Gail's computer is a Dell with Microsoft stuff on it and mine is a Mac, the same thing applies.

I used to not take any updates when they came to me. I had the idea that they would fuck things up.

Then someone advised me that was a stupid idea and that not doing the update could lead to problems. So I did an update which took in all the missed updates for a long time. It was a long download.

The Mac updates are not as dramatic as MS or Dell. They have drama. Intrigue. Viri.

Mac is cool, calm and collected.

I now update whenever it comes up.

Then there are the massive updates. The ones that are sold to reprogram the computer. These are fraught. What if shit is lost in the transfer? What if the computer crashes? What if I got the one disc that doesn't work?

My current fraught is about the new "revision" of the 10X system called, cutely enough, Snow Leopard.

I have read all about it. David Pogue has written a laudatory piece on it.

Apple's Sleak Upgrade

The one reservation that he has applies to me. I have odd software, not Mac originated. Quicken and a neat calendar called Now-Up-To-Date. The Mac Calendar sucks.

Now these two non-Mac companies usually update quite well with Mac system improvements but there is always the chance that I am going to lose all my financial records and a year of calendar entries in the transition. In fact, I am sure that I would except my son David will be here in October to help me install.

Gail Collins has a nephew with the similar ability to advise her but I am right with her in respect to the nervousness about it.

It is a constantly moving target, this computer stuff.

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