Thursday, July 16, 2009
This is interesting.
Are the Culture Wars Winding Down?
I have been a culture warrior since the mid 70s. I was a late bloomer.
But that is a long time to be at war. WWII was over in less than five years.
The cold war took a little longer. But still shorter than the cultural war. Yes?
Anyway, I am not putting my signs and slogans away any time soon.
The yahoo down the street has a huge anti-Obama statement on his SUV. I have my original Obama bumper stickers.
We smile and say high and let our dogs sniff each others' butts. Funny, he has those little phoo phoo shitzu dogs. Two. On little pink leashes. The faggot!
Actually, he is a nice guy. He is a Limbaugh ditto head. A working class hero with some legitimate grievances except, in his case, he has graduated to the supervisory class and makes a bundle as a contractor for the power company. Probably union. Probably a sinecure. The American dream. But he is sunk in his identity. Guilt?
He doesn't even know that he has joined the petit bourgeoisie. Or, since he has two cars, one a Caddy, that he is full bore bourgeoisie. The culture war is over for him except for the shouting.
It is funny to watch. Like I said, he is a nice guy.
He also has a sticker on his back window that says "piss on the UN". Knee jerk. I don't mean him. I mean his knee.
Labels: culture