
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have a few small obsessions. No surprise there, I suppose.

One of them is finding ideal tools for certain jobs.

Many years ago, I found one of those soap dispensing sponge dish cleaners. It was great. You swabbed the dish, soap. You didn't have to get out the soap bottle. Just swab.

But there was something wrong. The sponge got dirty too fast, the soap got dirty and grungy, the sponge fell apart.

I tried many brands.

Now, I think that I have found the ultimate in soap dispensing sponge tools. The OXO easy hold sponge.

It comes in two versions, with a plastic scrubber over the sponge (better because it is cleanable and lasts longer and abrades cookware surfaces safely.

It will not get contaminated in the soap part because it has a ball valve. You get soap to the sponge every so often by pressing a little "button" which compresses the air in the chamber and scoots the soap through the ball valve. Nifty.

There are refillables but the life of the sponge part is much longer.

And it is bigger! A full three inches of happy sponge surface.

We haven't been using it long but it is a winner already.

I love this thing. And I don't even do the dishes. I will have to ask the dishwasher how he likes it.


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