
Friday, July 31, 2009


Today's film was Paul Haggis'

Crash (2004)

I didn't want to see this when it came around but, since then, I have heard and read such good stuff about it that I ordered it along with Haggis' other film The Valley of Elah which I will see tomorrow.

This one is (how many?) interlocking LA stories all involving race and a lot of anger.

I really liked it a lot. Well, there were parts that were very difficult, but they had payoffs for me.

I was especially pleased to see Don Cheadle and Matt Dillon who are favorite actors.

They do not appear together in the film but, in a way, they do. The photo includes Paul Haggis.

This is too deep to wallow in for a brief blog spot.

I think that sometimes it felt like I was being manipulated but, I decided, in a good way.

I could see my own prejudices and biases predicting outcomes. I was often fooled.

Kind words for the photography, the set design (flawless), the music. Very good. All of a piece.

He won an Oscar for this. Good thing. It is a beautiful piece of work.

I will give it one of the few 5's out of Netflix5 this year.

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