
Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Say that three times, fast, and see if you can not lisp on one of the th's.

July 20th is the 40th anniversary of the moon walk. Not Jacko's. The real one.

Or not.

Vocal Minority Insists It Was All Smoke and Mirrors

These guys are hard core. Six percent.

I can see how they would figure it could be faked. Even though I have seen real moon rocks in the NASA center in Florida, who am I to know whether these came from the moon, really?

And it was all on video. None of us were there to see it.

And look at that flag in the picture. Everyone knows there isn't any wind on the moon. What the fuck is with that? A howler right in the middle of the scam.

There is some appeal in the idea that we never acheived the moon mission. That it was faked.

It is about the same appeal, in the opposite direction sort of, that there are space aliens walking among us or, perhaps, visiting us from time to time for the purpose, primarily, of sex experiments or anal probes or both.

But the government is suppressing the truth!

That is the appeal. The tickle to the lower stem of the brain where suspicion and paranoia lie.

It is appealing because in a specific way it demonstrates that, in a general way, I am not responsible for myself. There are unseen forces that govern my life and, as a result, I might just as well give up.

Then there is the profit motive. Keep reading here.

Mr. Marino, the author of the post on the Lens blog, is a 31-year-old architect born in Argentina. In an e-mail interview, he said that the political corruption during the years of dictatorship in his country shaped his thinking: “I started to realize how political corruption operates and how it is the interests of a few in power that really governs our world.”

As he traveled the world — he now lives and works in China — he picked up books contending that the landings were faked and saw documentaries including Mr. Sibrel’s, he said, which paints a dark portrait of political manipulation during the Nixon administration and somehow ties in the Vietnam War, the Titanic and the Tower of Babel before even getting to the supposed photographic evidence of lunar deception.

Mr. Sibrel, who sells his films online, has hounded Apollo astronauts with a Bible, insisting that they swear on camera they had walked on the Moon. He so annoyed Buzz Aldrin in 2002 — ambushing him with his Bible and calling him “a coward, and a liar, and a thief” — that Mr. Aldrin punched Mr. Sibrel in the face. Law enforcement officials refused to file charges against Mr. Aldrin, the second man on the Moon.
"The Nixon administration, the Vietnam War, the Titanic and the Tower of Babel".

Well, I know for a fact that the Babel thing was aliens, not a government conspiracy involving NIxon.

I like Aldren's solution to the problem. Punch the disbelievers in the face. What a concept. That ought to bring them to the truth.

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