
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This today:

Lobbies Adopt Tone of Accord With President

Steve Bartlett, president of the Financial Services Roundtable and a participant in the discussion, said in an interview, “This administration has reminded us of the lesson our mother taught us: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

And so it goes the length of K Street. Industry groups and lobbyists typically hostile to intrusive government programs have been professing solidarity with Mr. Obama and his agenda on matters like health care, energy and financial regulation. Industry has calculated that it stands a better chance of achieving its ends by negotiating with the White House than by fighting it — at least publicly, and at least until the various proposals get down to the final details.

Well, this was the point of the election wasn't it? To change the climate. Working together even in disagreement. An atmosphere of cooperation.

Of course, this attracts criticism from all sides. Conservatives miss the money that lobbies have thrown at oppo ads and such. Lefties worry about soiling themselves by shaking hands with the dread lobbyists. Of course, lefties have their own lobbies. Some lobbies are better than others.

I am all for this approach. The other option was constant warfare.

They had John McCain on CNN this morning. He was in his "get off my lawn" contentious codger mode. All bristly and offended and full of venom. By contrast, he looks like an anachronism. Even the pandering sycophantic boot licking CNN hosts questioned his attitude. One of them was even heard to use the "tsk tsk" sound. Well, maybe that was me between the guffaws at watching this old second place has been act like he owned the joint. Which, thank Gods he does not. Not even close John. You and your quitter.

By the end of his segment he seemed really anxious to get off screen. Visible discomfort. He knows he is on the wrong side of the fence that he has built for himself and he can't figure out how to tear it down. Too bad. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Fart.


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