Wednesday, June 17, 2009
GAY WHINERSupdated 0618AM
OK. I am going to be on the wrong side on this one.
The pressure and tantrums from the gay politicos over Obama's "neglect" of gay issues rankles me quite a bit.
This is why I hate special interest and identity politics.
There are those who wanted DADT* overturned the first week, others who want the DOMA repealed. Still more want Obama to step out front and do more for "the gays". What, exactly, is not clear.
There is no doubt that the brief filed by the DOJ in Orange County is insulting and wrong headed. No doubt done by a holdover attorney. It takes years to steer the big ship around after an election.
But look.
We are six months into an administration that has such a full plate that one can hardly blame them for rationing their political capital or their time and attention.
Believe me on this. DOMA and DADT repeal will burn plenty of political capital. Fast. Can I say two words? Bill Clinton.
My strategy would be to get some other success under my belt and then gently ease these issues across the plate.

Sometimes we should be waving the American flag before we hoist the rainbow banner.
I am tired of the whining.
Now, when the Obamas, and it is clear that this is offered to staunch the flow of bad feeling, change the policy on domestic partner benefits for government employees it is belittled as too little too late and just throwing gays a bone.
This pisses me off.
Of course, if you are a gay lobbyist or politico with a one horse issue and your job depends on it, you will be outraged and indignant over all the expectations you dished out to your constituency to get them to vote for Obama.
I understand.
The HRC is one of the most ineffective lobbies for gay people there is and their inactivity over the years should have had them abolished long ago.
Pot meet kettle.
Here he is today signing the order and there is a statement about DOMA. He is for its repeal.
*For the acronym impaired: DADT=Dont Ask Don't Tell, DOMA=Defense of Marriage Act, DOJ=Department of Justice, and HRC=Human Rights Campaign Fund. They don't even use the word "gay" they are so militant—not.
Labels: Administration Obama, gay politics, gay rights