Sunday, June 21, 2009
We missed it again this year.
We didn't get to be with the gang at the henge. Watchin' the sun come up.
I love the pictures. You can make the sun come through the stone "holes" if you put the camera in the right place.
It is all in good fun though.
I wonder what the druids make of the jet streams in the sky?
My main thing about the summer solstice is that the evenings will start to get darker early again. Booker and I wait and wait at the evening walk for the sun to go down. We don't want to burn our toes.
And, this year, the solstice coincides with Father's Day.
I will be looking at the sun while I sit around and wait for phone calls from everybody. Keeping score and all.
If you are a Father, have a great day. If not? Have a great day anyway even though you missed something really wonderful.
Of course, if you have a father, call him.
Some people have two Dad's you know.