Saturday, March 14, 2009
Once again, we are talking about splitting up the state.
Farmers Lead a Bid to Create 2 Californias
We have heard about the movements toward North California and South California. There is also the old idea of Oregon and a piece of California becoming the new state of Jefferson.
But this is new. The city slickers split from the yokels.
They aren't too specific about which counties would go with the farmers but I am sure ours would be part of it. Half of the valley produces the nation's grapes and lettuce. Our neighbor Imperial Valley is even more devoted to farms.
There is a measure of satisfaction in that idea. We could put a toll gate on the Banning Pass and charge admission to our side of the territory.
God knows there are too many city slickers coming over into Palm Springs.
This all started because, in the last election, we passed a referendum that stopped the imprisonment of chickens, veal and pigs. This really pissed the farmers off.
I doubt this will go anywhere any time soon.
The state is in a crisis right now. With our movie star governor at an all time popularity low we don't have time for the farmer vote.
Arnie is out on the hustings right now getting us ready to vote huge bond issue referendums in a special election in May.
We are distracted.
Right now it appears that the measures may not pass.
Maybe we do need to split up for other reasons than the pigs and chickens. We are so big that we have become unmanageable.
Labels: California