Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Today's film was Jonathan Demme's
We are plunked down in a huge assembly of family and friends along with Rachel's sister who is on a pass from rehab.
She doesn't really know anyone except for her family and neither do we.
This film is in Altman style. All kinds of stuff going on all the time and we are in the middle of it. Demme lets us wander around along with the camera. It is a good experience.
Mostly in focus, Rachel's sister Kym, played by Anne Hathaway, is the center of gravity for the film. A good choice. As a long term addict with the entire family engaged in her disease, we get to see the drama(s) unresolved and resolving around her.
Don't get me wrong. This is not a film about addiction and recovery but an addict does provide a center of a sort and it is a way of seeing how this family and its friendship circle work.
Some of it is funny. Some is upsetting. All of it is nicely done in a loving way.
Rosemarie DeWitt is Rachel. Very good. Debra Winger and Anna Devere Smith as the first and second wife/mothers. Winger full of history. Smith the calming force. Bill Irwin, a great actor and clown is the father.
The music is very eclectic as are the friends and family. Without making a big deal of it we see and hear a sort of "new age" scene. Multi racial. Right up to date.
I liked the film a lot and enjoyed being at the wedding as well as behind the scenes. I wouldn't mind seeing it again with earphones or even with the "hard of hearing" thing on to catch whatever dialogue I may have missed.
I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.
How do you spell dysfunctional? Hathaway, Winger, Irwin and DeWitt