Saturday, March 28, 2009
People have all kinds of expectations that are not likely to be met.
This is where anger and resentment meet negotiation and compromise.
It amazes me that so many people have an unrealistic and, in fact, totally incorrect expectation of Obama's position on a host of issues.
Today's statement by Biden that we will not lift the embargo on Cuba is an example.
The left has assumed that, of course, he would share their views and rescind it.
The right has expected that he would lift the embargo, visit Castro and sell out on every issue we have had with the island government since Kennedy.
Nothing could be further from the case.
Obama is a "gradualist" and a process man. He believes that the best progress is made slowly and collegially and if that is not possible, the change should probably not be made.
I can go with that.
John Cole has a nice piece on this around the "stoner joke" that came up the other day in the on-line town hall along with the statement that he does not support legalization of marijuana. People haven't been listening to him. Even I knew that he wouldn't go for that.
As the article notes, the same with gay issues. He will let the Congress do most of the heavy lifting on "don't ask, don't tell". And he will support the result.
He will let the states sort out gay marriage. That is OK with me.
Imposed actions, particularly on values issues, do not work. Gradualism does.
Labels: Administration Obama