Friday, March 27, 2009
You know that, every once in a while, I have to rant on some overused figure of speech.
The blogs and news media get on a roll and everyone uses a phrase or a piece of slang or an unusual word so that it wears out like an old tire.
So to speak.
This one involves tires, kinda.
Let's stop "throwing people under the bus".
It is everywhere.
Today GOP Reps Ryan and Cantor "threw Boehner under the bus" by disavowing the "budget" that the three of them stood behind yesterday.
Obama had challenged the GOoPers to come up with a budget if they didn't like his and so they got this 19 page pamphlet out with no numbers and called it their budget.
The mockery began. Even in the main stream media!
Ryan and Cantor saw it coming and quickly jumped out of the way before the bus----oh. No. Stop the bus.
Labels: language