Thursday, March 12, 2009
I bought a year's supply of backup for my computer today.
Tom suggested Carbonite.
I have Mac's Time Machine but it makes me nervous. There are a lot of error reports.
And what if it went out.
If there was a fire it would all go.
50 bucks a year seemed cheap enough.
It was pretty easy to get it installed. I took the two free weeks deal.

That means I will take the whole thing as it takes two to three weeks to upload all your shit.
It works continuously when you are not using your computer.
That means that I will have to leave the Mac on more than I usually do. Not asleep.
I think that is probably better anyway as the maintenance stuff the machine needs to do on itself won't work if it is asleep either.
Mostly I put it to sleep when people are visiting as my screen saver is XX-rated. Not triple X. Just double. I have an extensive library of porn photos that flash by every three seconds.
There are 55 albums of about 150 images each in my iPhoto files.
I digress.
I am backup compulsive. I already backup my Quicken every week to my laptop so I will be operational if the computer dies.
That makes three backups now.
Early in my computer life I read that you should save three times. Once for the quick replacement. Two, in case the computer eats the first backup and three so you can sleep at night.
I have never saved three of everything. But I am closing in on it.
Oh. For the MacHeads. I know I could subscribe to but I hate the monopolistic feel of the MacEmpire.
I am so enthusiastically a MacPerson but there are limits.
I have signed up several times and then bailed at the last minute.
They can have my heart and soul but not my memory.