Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin is still working his assertions through the populace.
Gallup says that only 44% believe in "evolution". Which probably says more about how the question was asked than anything else. But maybe.
We are still learning about his work. That is for sure.
The other night we were talking about how the "theory" is about adaptation. Not so much being the top dog. Not about being the strongest.
Some species adapted themselves into extinction. Others did not. The inability of a species to predict whether past conditions that it has adapted to will be useful in the future. That is limiting.
We may be headed for a dead end.
Does a species always, if they have read Darwin, believe that they are living out a successful adaptation? Obviously we do. Despite evidence to the contrary.
Would Franklin see himself as the superior endpoint of an evolution in dogdom?
There are many thought problems that arise from Darwin's work.
Some of them give me a headache.
This is why people want to suppress Darwin's work. They don't like the results that come from even a minimum of thought. Perhaps they have evolved into the no-thinking line of our species. A reversion.
Darwin has had a huge impact on us. And still does. Like Einstein and Freud. He turns our thinking upside down.