Monday, February 23, 2009
Obama called on McCain today as the first person to ask questions after Obama's rundown of the economy and stimulus.
McCain made a little speech about spending and got on the Presidential helicopter purchase which has become something of a boondoggle.
Obama defused with humor. A joke about his being happy with what he rides in now. But this was his first helicopter so maybe he was missing something. Laughter ensued.
Very good.
Once more he gives McCain some rope and McCain sort of ties himself up in it. The whole economy teeters and Mr. Straight Talk is worried about the helicopters.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I am just amused at the way that Obama runs circles around these guys. He calls them out and lets them talk then makes his own points.
You may remember that he did this to McCain when they had the big conflab with Bush at the White House. He asked what McCain thought they should do. McCain, at that time, had nothing to offer. Fatal.
So the campaign continues and Obama is still ahead.
Labels: Administration Obama, McCain