
Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Obama's address last night was a wow.

I was impressed that once he got going he had the Republicans doing a standing O about 2/3 of the time.

How could they not?

I liked all the stuff around it. The entrances. The shaking hands. He is a toucher, a hugger and a kisser.

This morning at the gym CNN had the phone in poll at 85% approval.

Some of the guys who are less than enthusiastic about him were very complimentary.

That is nice.

I don't talk politics at the gym or anywhere else really but I did do just a bit of basking.

We are still happy to have the sticker on our car. The original Obama one that came out prior to the nomination.

I liked that the "cabinet" was really all his senior people. A lot of them.

An A+! But then I am biased.


Thankfully we were able to watch CNN and the speech Wednesday morning. It is encouraging to see the effort to bring all sides to the table to solve our problems - I like the "our" speak, I like the continuous reminders that there is no quick fix, and I like the focus on energy, education and health care. There is a great shortfall of energy equipment manufacturing and it could be a good next product for the US to manufacture and export. The education focus, at least in Maine, is on preschool, construction, and special services. I hope the education focus can be expanded to encompass more stringent programming for math and science.
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