Saturday, February 28, 2009
In his Saturday address, our CIC laid down the gauntlet for the lobbies and special interests.
Steve Benen has an interpretation of why the positioning was so feisty. (my bold face).
There's going to be a fight over the direction of the country, and the president is signaling his intention to mix it up a bit. This is a different message than the one preceding the debate over the economic stimulus, and may reflect the White House's judgment that the administration was not as aggressive as it could (should?) have been in mounting a defense."I work for the American people".It also reinforces a subtle point from Obama's address to Congress this week, pre-emptively tackling the arguments likely to come from detractors. By characterizing his opponents -- not Republicans, but special interests -- as agents of the status quo, the president is laying the groundwork for the rest of the debate. When we hear conservative talking heads on the cable channels, we're supposed to see them as "the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business," while Obama and his allies are delivering on much-needed change.
Pretty good stuff.
Let the fight between Obama and all the "special interests" begin.
I think they/he are pretty smart.
They used to mock Frank Lutz who invented GOP "framing" and while they were trying it it worked pretty well. But then they wimped out. They have no programs so how can they frame anything.
This is on a far broader scale. Choosing the ground on which to fight.
I read a lot about the long, long French English war. The thing that the Duke of Wellington put first and foremost was choosing the ground. One word example: Waterloo.
I know it is a stretch but not as far as you would think.
But, if you want find a basketball analogy. Your turn. I bet there are several. He is still "the Man".

Labels: Administration Obama