Friday, February 27, 2009
I read this in the NYTimes yesterday:
Mr. Whipple Left It Out: Soft Is Rough on Forests
You know, I am a fairly environmentally aware person but this was a shocker. I thought they had mostly recycled paper in it.
We buy the best. Mostly because "the best" used to be my clients. I always bought from clients.
Then I went and looked at the story on recycled paper.
A Shopper's Guide to Home Tissue Products
Our grocery has a line of green and organic products. So there was the paper today. I got some. Soon the test.
It doesn't look weird. It is white white and looks puffy not hard.
And it is about half the cost. A good thing. Most things that are good for the environment cost more. Not in this case.
I will report later on our use test.
Labels: ecology