Saturday, February 28, 2009
David Pogue is one of the most prolific writers about computers and the internet especially Apple oriented systems.
In his weekly column, he mostly answers questions and compiles tips, many of which are actually useful.
I am still working my way through a column
Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User.
I knew almost none of these things.
Pogue writes the "Missing Manual" series, basically the manuals that should come with Macs that don't anymore. I have found them useful but rather on-and-on. These tech tips were simple and quick.
This week Pogue has a column on Google about which there is, apparently, a lot to not know. At least I didn't know all this stuff.
Reading this inspired me to actually look into some of these things.
I am vaguely intimidated by Google. I don't use their maps because I don't quite understand the buttons and squiggles. Going to "street view" throws me. I am a little queasy about the 3-d images.
I am involved with Google of course. This blog is presented on Blogger, a Google owned server, but I was there before Google bought them out.
I have never liked Google's news compilation. So much junk!
But, after reading this Pogue article I took a look at the "new" iGoogle home page application with so-called "gadgets". Not so different from the Mac widgets really but on line and easy to get to. Also a lot of other stuff. I am trying it out.
My old home page is "Reference Desk" which has nice "things of the day" and mostly the AP headline news which changes by the minute. Reference Desk is kind of old fashioned and graphically challenged. And it is run by Matt Drudge's old man. A negative just on the face of it. If I were the Dad of Matt Drudge I wouldn't want anyone to know.
Anyway, I am trying "the Google". And it is OK. I think it is easy to navigate and I can design my own. I can link directly from there to Wikipedia which I use a lot. (I know it is flawed. So am I) and other direct links are available. There is a translator, a stock market widget (better than the Mac) and so on.
No AP just the NYTimes which I read anyway. They just keep updating it during the day but not as often. They also have CNN which sucks.
One feature is gmail. The free email service which archives and searches and does all the Google things.
I have looked at this feature before but it always scared me somehow. Part of that Google intimidation.
But this time, I worked through it and actually set up a mail box for myself. I now have a new gmail address.
I don't know what I will use it for. After all, isn't one enough?
Or is it like autos in Southern California? Each person should have as many as s/he can afford.
I don't know.
It is already in effect. They automatically slapped it onto the comments that you might make on this blog. I will get them at my new Google home page. See? I am trapped.
But that is OK because I think that I will be using the home page.
Their composing software isn't as easy with graphics as the Mac. There are some other clinks and clunks. But then this is email not a full on graphically faultless medium in the first place.
What else can I use this new mailbox for? It is supposed to have a much better spam filter than earthlink which is pretty good. Probably not better than the Mac but maybe. We will see. I don't have any spam yet after 24 hours in the new address.
I would like this one to remain pure.
A lot of those merchants I have used on the old email address who say they don't pass the address on, do. I have a clear trail for a lot of the shit that I get in the box.
Maybe this can be a new era. Or something.
Maybe I have just stepped into the quicksand.
Labels: internet