Monday, January 12, 2009
Obama's choice for most cabinet and White House positions have attracted less comment than his choice for ministers to invoke and outvoke and sermonize at the minimal religious nods of the Inauguration.
The thing that amazes me is that much of the storm has been from people who, like me, wouldn't darken the door of a church at any time.
For those not following this tempest in a teapot take a look at this.
Now, although I wouldn't darken the door of a church, I have no problem with any of these people. A pastor is a pastor. One's theology may be more or less repugnant to one side or another but they are still in the same game and that game is religion.
It is an industry. It is a voting bloc. It is to be separated from matters of state except for a little bit.
True enough that "In God We Trust" is on the money. An odd conjunction but there it is. We have prayers every day in Congress.
Look, at least 50% of our citizens have a prayer life. If you count the ones who, like me, have a prayer life without religion, I bet it is a lot higher.
There are a lot of non-religious who have a higher power in their lives as well. My hand is up!
There is no better argument against the real mixing of church and state than this flap over preachers.
Think about it. Collectively these guys and gals will do about 8 minutes of invoking and benedicting. At the prayer service the day after, I read that the lady will give a 20 minute sermon.
Forget the person of Rick Warren. He is a symbol. It is a bringing into the tent. He may be a jerk but he isn't a grave and mortal danger to the foundations of our country.
And what happened to the idea of religious freedom. Now we are to censor the pulpit pounders?
I am a lot more impressed that Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal Bishop will be the first invoker to appear in the weekend.
Imagine! The core of the controversy between gays and the collective religious people in this controversy. The uber-symbol.
Now this is revolutionary and no Rick Warren or other right wing figure can outbalance this finesse.
The Obamas are shrewd bastards. This is a stroke of liturgical and political genius.
Labels: Administration Obama, gay politics, gay rights, religion