Sunday, January 18, 2009

I watched the first half of Titanic this afternoon.
I can't take three hours. No film is worth that long a sit. Not even a NYTimes Best 1176 Film which this is.
It snuck into the queue while I was ordering mostly recent non- best films to catch up on my viewing.
I saw the big boat when it was launched the first time.
The second time through I was looking for all the "how they did it" parts. Not too big a deterrent to enjoying the film, which I did.
It has the young, pristine Leonardo DiCaprio who is charming but cannot act. He is himself and the film is perfect for who he is.
I hear that he may be acting in his new film Revolutionary Road. But that is about a tired near middle aged guy and that is my impression of DiCaprio just now. So he is still playing himself.
He is, like good number of young men and women today, a star for all the wrong reasons and will not be able to sustain a career of respectable films.
You heard it here first. Well, a lot of others say this too.
I figured I would just put that observation here as I wouldn't want to fuck up what is likely to be a favorable revue of the film with a digression on the life and times of a cardboard cutout star.