Thursday, January 22, 2009

It has taken awhile to grasp. Maybe I am not really grasped yet.
I tried to get hold of the reality yesterday by watching him do his talk to the staff. The most transparent administration ever. The toughest rules on pre and post administration employment. Nice. Tough. Loose.
This dunk into reality along with the photos of his coming into the Oval Office and the other postings gave proof that the long awaited moment had arrived. There he is. Along with Reggie Love!
There is no end to the process of course. Some of the GOoPers are still fighting the campaign. Specter's Judiciary posse is holding on to Holder just to make a point. The Finance guys are raking Geithner over the coals with his tax errors. The usual grandstanding.
Obama remains cool.
But that isn't it.
I think that the main driver of my post partum depression/glow/hangover/joy is that the impossible has been realized and we are in a period of transition from the theoretical to the real.
I know there will be setbacks. I know that he will make mistakes. I know that there will be more embarrassments.
I am also tired. I don't think that I realize the tension of the last two years. It was only partially relieved by the election. The big thing was to see him get to be President Barack Hussein Obama.
Now there is a big exhale. A relief.
If I am tired, think how he feels. I hope that they are going to try out Camp David sometime soon. I will need the break.
Labels: Administration Obama