Saturday, December 20, 2008
Today's Paul Newman Fest film was
directed by Sydney Pollack which is a good start.
Newman ages in this one. He is not physical any more. He is deeper gray and he is very thin. He is 56.
This is the third phase of his career. He started as a pinup and then in remakes of his and other's broadway plays. Then he got to be a star with star treatment. Good films but a bit too Hollywood for me. There are exceptions with Hud and Cool Hand Luke.
Now we are entering the vintage years. Everything comes together. You can see it starting in this film. His acting is beyond approach.
Sally Field is good too. And this is the film with the really great ending with Wilford Brimley kicking everyone's ass.
If you saw the film you will remember the performance.
This is an issue film. Freedoms of the press taken too far. Probably improbable but we don't care.
I saw this the first time and I liked it a lot and I liked it this time too but that will be enough unless I can bring the Brimley piece up on YouTube or something.
Well, I might include it in the Sydney Pollack fest that I will do someday.
I love Pollack movies and especially when he is in them but he is not in this film. He is all over it but he is not in it.
He manages scenes that are thrilling. He gives us scenes that are explanatory and are very clear about the law for god's sake. He gives us a very controlled performance from Field who we know can vary over the lot.
But for now, I think I will cherish it in my memory. I have seen it twice.
I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.