Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I think that the Obama team and its leader (Obama, natch) have done masterfully well with the whole Illinois corruption thing.
I spell "Illinois" which isn't too easy so I don't have to spell the governor's name.
First, they did the general statement.
Then, he got the internal investigation rolling.
Then he tied in with Fitzpatrick who conveniently asked them to wait a week for the publication of details. In a week, Obama is gone on vacation and the whole world will be rolling into the holidays.

Today in the presser, yet again, the media started to waste our time and theirs by diverting from the appointment of the Education Secretary to bring the corruption thing up.
Obama sharply interrupted and told the questioner the results would be released next week and not to waste his/her question.
Fast, pivot and shoot.
And look at the result!
Poll: Only One In Four Think Obama's Team Did Something Wrong In Connection With Blago
Well, that is the same one in four that we will be hearing from from now until the Obama period is over.
They are the same people who still approve of George Bush, who think that Sarah Palin would make a great president and that Obama is really a British subject and a muslim.
Labels: Administration Obama