
Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today's NYTimes Best 1176 film was the second half of Terrence Maleck's

Thin Red Line (1998)

The review at the link is more in line with my reaction than the Ebert review yesterday.

Maleck takes great risks here and we are amply rewarded.

It is a film of many moments. The battle scenes seem very accurate. I am not a first hand expert. But that is not the point.

What he has made here is a two tier, double for the money masterwork. When it works it is masterful. When it doesn't it is masterly.

Think about it.

The war movie is very clear. For the first time, I see how the battle really works. I am in it. I understand the tactics. I can see what they want to do and then can watch it happen.

The second movie over the first is a contemplation of life and death and man's propensity for the second.

Music. Photography. Voice over. Sometimes hallucinatory qualities have us both in it and above it.

It is a great risk taken and for the most part, he succeeds beautifully.

There are a lot of young actors in this film who, in some cases, do not have a lot of time on the screen. I understand that many wanted to work with Maleck and were quite happy to be blown away to do it.

Look at the cast.

Maleck has only made four full length films. He is working on a fifth. I have not seen the last one yet. It didn't go very far. The John Smith movie with Colin Farrell.

Some day we will line them up and have a full Maleck fest.

Until then, I will be thinking and feeling about this one.

I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.


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