Sunday, November 23, 2008
I am enormously impressed with the Obama/Clinton agreement.
Clinton-Obama Détente: From Top Rival to Top Aide
I never thought things were that bad between them but, perhaps, they were.

They both have exhibited an extraordinary amount of dexterity in steering through the shoals of resentment and ego to arrive at, what could be, an unprecedented relationship. Well, not unprecedented, but rare. For example, Bush I and James Baker III.
A lot of the Secretary's of State have had their legs cut off before they start. Think Colin Powell.
Hillary is right for not falling into such an arrangement.
On the other hand, Presidents cannot tolerate a SS who will go behind their backs or work against them. Think Henry Kissinger and Nixon.
Obama and Clinton seem to have been able to rein in and corral the other Clinton. She will keep him in hand I think. There will be some turmoil but it is worth it if she can be a surrogate for Obama and leave him freed up for the national issues right now.
Did I say that I was impressed? With both of them?
This is one more example of the courage and strength of Barack Obama. To encourage others to work with him productively and make it in their interest to do so.
If you can work the Clintons around, you can do almost anything politically speaking.
Labels: Administration Obama