
Friday, October 17, 2008


Today was the great test.

Would the cell phone that John rented for Italy actually work?

The answer is an emphatic "yes"!

I got his "I landed" message when I woke up this morning and we talked together at 4AM, me, and 1PM, him.

He got to 'downtown' Rome which he says is like New York without the organization and was in the rail terminal.

He bypassed the first train to Pisa because all the first class was sold out and was due to take a train two hours later.

This is probably a good thing. Everyone told him that he had a very tight plan and would have to relax it so this is a good test. Actually, it just means he gets to the hotel two hours later and will have to wait a bit for his sleep.

He is over the inevitable European visit hump.

I am over my hump as well. Relieved about the phone's function, relief that he is there and already working with the realities of the trip and relieved that I didn't have to go with him. I would no more want to be in Rome right now than any one of Dante's Circles of Hell. Just to keep the Italian theme going.


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