Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nothing here about 9-11.
I am over it, I guess.
I remember. I honor. I don't beatify or rant about revenge.
I will let the bloviaters and demagogues do that. Hello Rudy.
It is a 'remember when' day like the day that Kennedy was shot.
I was in Gold's Gym finishing my workout and I saw a picture on the teevee upstairs--there is a balcony. There was smoke coming out of one of the towers.
I turned on NPR on the way home.
The story developed and you know the rest. We all do.
I get touched from time to time when I see a movie that has the Towers in it.
I remember the day.
I also remember the many, many days that I spent in the neighborhood training right up the street. Mermaid Lane.
I always stayed at the adjacent Marriott which went with the Towers. It is the squarish building at the top of the wreckage. You can still see its outline.
It was the second time for me.
My favorite room was blown up when the blind cleric set up the blast under the Towers years before.
I think part of my detachment is that I have lived with this shit a lot longer than 2001.
That is the day most Americans woke up.
Anyone who travelled or was paying attention saw the evil coming a long time before. Or felt its hot breath.
I used to look at the firing lanes in Heathrow airport and looked for likely places to duck and cover if a bomb went off.
I cancelled a trip to Italy that went through Vienna because I didn't want to get kneecapped.
I have been searched by Israeli agents before getting on a flight.
None of this, thankfully, put me in harms way.
It just told me a long time ago that we don't live in a little corner of the world anymore. The barbarians are at all the gates and through them as well.
Why do we think that we would be or would have been different?