Sunday, September 28, 2008
Now we have a bigger take on McCain the craps player. A huge investigatory from the New York Times today.
McCain and Team Have Many Ties to Gambling Industry
Well, we knew that he was a big time craps player. Or I did.
I have never seen it written up in the main stream media before.
I guess the time has come.
A gambler. In the casino and on the campaign trail. The man who would be President.
Dare I say that the combination would give us crappy results?
The whiff of McCain's gambling involvement has been around for awhile but he doesn't seem to give a shit about how it impacts his campaign or reputation. Not surprised. Brazen. Entitled.
We have alreay had one of those for 8 years.
For much of his adult life, Mr. McCain has gambled as often as once a month, friends and associates said, traveling to Las Vegas for weekend betting marathons. Former senior campaign officials said they worried about Mr. McCain’s patronage of casinos, given the power he wields over the industry. The officials, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity.The implication, in the article, is that McCain is very lucky when he goes to a casino to gamble. What a surprise!“We were always concerned about appearances,” one former official said. “If you go around saying that appearances matter, then they matter.”
The former official said he would tell Mr. McCain: “Do we really have to go to a casino? I don’t think it’s a good idea. The base doesn’t like it. It doesn’t look good. And good things don’t happen in casinos at midnight.”
“You worry too much,” Mr. McCain would respond, the official said.
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