Friday, September 19, 2008
I love Joe Biden.
Meanwhile, the Other No. 2 Keeps On Punching
This is a nicely loving article. Even the barbs are gentle, nicely phrased.
He may not be getting the press that the others are but he is working the hard, difficult pockets of the campaign. He has a great heart. And his heart is often on his sleeve.
Mr. Biden’s tone turns somber when he discusses Mr. McCain, a colleague of over two decades. The tenor of this campaign has tested a friendship that has been close even by Senate standards, where everyone claims to be “my good friend.”“That guy I used to know, he’s gone,” Mr. Biden said of Mr. McCain at the campaign event in Maumee, shaking his head. “It literally saddens me,” added Mr. Biden, who tends to used the word “literally” about a dozen times per speech (literally).
Mr. Biden recalls that after Mr. McCain came under heavy attack from George W. Bush in the 2000 race for the Republican presidential nomination, he called Mr. McCain and offered to “go anywhere in the country and testify to his character.” Now, Mr. Biden asserts, Mr. McCain has embraced the same tactics he once criticized.
“I tried to talk to John,” Mr. Biden said in the interview. When both men were at Columbia University last week on the Sept. 11 anniversary, Mr. Biden had a staff member try to arrange a dressing-room visit with Mr. McCain. But Mr. Biden was told not to come, he said.
“I walked down anyway,” Mr. Biden said. “And who the hell is going to stop me?” Mr. McCain looked up and was “like, what is this about?” Mr. Biden said. Mr. McCain hugged Mr. Biden’s wife, Jill, and the two senators shared a quick handshake, but there was no time for any discussion.
Leaving the Elks Lodge in Maumee this week, Mr. Biden threw his arms around volunteers, posed for photos, and said he was flattered about the attention.
“Remember, no one decides who they’re going to vote for based on the vice president,” he said. “I mean that literally.”
I really think that with Biden you get just what you see.
A great guy.
I saw him in a CNN interview this week and it was a breath of fresh air.

Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Joe Biden, McCain