Monday, August 25, 2008
The land line phone (Verizon) has been out of service for at least a week.
We don't use it much and so it could been out a lot longer.
We have been bumped from service calls three times.
We got pissed.
We bit the bullet and decided tha,t even if they did come to fix it, we wouldn't trust the work. The last time we had a repair take place the job kept failing over a three week period.
That was four years ago and that is when we went to cellular phones. Little by little we transferred everything over so that, now, we don't use the land lines except for the random call from out of the blue. Someone who is looking for us 'after all these years' finds us in the phone book.
That and junk calls. Election shit. Marketing from people who we are clients of.
So I just had them disconnect the whole thing today. We are done.
The upsetting part of this is mostly that we were going to use that phone for the RSVP calls for the wedding.
So we went and scratched out the phone number on all the invitations and put my cell number in. A sad resolution but we will get over it. It is not the last thing that will go 'bad' around the wedding plans.
Other than that, it is just the natural anxiety of having an umbilical removed. An umbilical that we totally do not use or need. 42.00 a month with long distance service.
Labels: technology