
Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Films was Hector Babenco's take on the Pluig novel

Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)

By this time, with the musical and all, we have been Spiderwomened to death.

It is still good to watch William Hurt and Raul Julia spar with each other in their little cell.

I am not too happy with the faggotry presented here but it was the 80's and the book is much earlier. Too much of the cliché to it. But Hurt somehow skips over it lightly.

The time for weak and misguided fairies is over. Well, at least we are not any more weak and misguided as anyone else.

But that is a quibble.

I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5 and be happy that I finally saw the whole thing and didn't walk out. I did enjoy it. Well, enjoy isn't the word exactly. It isn't the happiest little film that was ever made.


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