
Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We have four bikes and they all need service.

Some more than others.

They stay out in the weather and the weather here is very bad for tires.

I have to get them all ready for guests in October. I know it is a little early but that is my thing. Get it done now even if it doesn't have to be done 'now'.

So, I am on a one-bike-at-a-time plan. The first one went in today.

A hundred bucks for the full deal including 'slime' in the tires. It slows leaks.

When I bought these bikes they promised lifetime tuneups. The lifetime is still in effect but the tune up now costs 20 bucks. There was a change in ownership and the records 'got lost'. Uh huh.

They are all old fashioned Schwinns incidentally. The kind with a coaster brake. No gears. Great bikes. Great ride.


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