Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I have complained for a very long time about the increasing running time of films.
When I was a movie theater usher in the 50's all movies ran about 90 minutes.
Well, except for Gone With the Wind and a few other notable exceptions.
It was at this time that the 'road show' began. The 'spectacular'. The big production which even had reserved seats.
Cinerama. Which was actually short because it was so expensive to produce. Three cameras.
Slowly. Inexorably, our tolerance was tested and found malleable.
I have never had the facts to support my hypothesis before but, thanks to Andrew Sullivan, I have found a study to support my complaints.
One could argue, I suppose, that we are getting more for our money.
The fact is, we are getting less.
The long, bloviated movies of today are extravaganzas of directorial ego.
They serve no actual story telling purpose.
If I could just figure out the parts to skip ahead of time and do my own editing I would be very happy.